to safety
Operating in the mining sector for many years, Campbell Transport’s safety protocols have been honed into a comprehensive and high functioning Safety System that minimises risk to our drivers and the public. Campbell Transport maintains a dedicated Safety Team that are proactive in working with our drivers to ensure safe outcomes can be achieved whilst also being able to provide transparency and surety to any clients who have engaged our services.
‘Seeing Machines’ use proprietary face and eye tracking algorithms to detect whether a driver is fatigued or distracted, providing real-time in-cab intervention to warn the driver to refocus their attention on the road. In a situation where fatigue or Microsleeps are detected, Campbell Transport’s 24/7 Fleet Controller services are notified and are then able to reach out to the driver to review their fatigue levels and provide advice and guidance. This intelligent and unobtrusive system provides a last line of defence for fatigued drivers and is responsible for a significant reduction in incidents caused by fatigue.
In vehicle monitoring system
Campbell Transport has a full comprehensive In Vehicle Monitoring System that ensures critical information is observed and tracked by the company to keep our drivers safe. This includes live GPS tracking, fatigue tracking, truck diagnostics as well as the continuous recording of multiple streams of footage. All Campbell Transport trucks have (at a minimum) five cameras running through independent systems so that in the rare instance that an incident occurs, there are no questions around exactly what happened. This allows for a thorough investigation to be performed to facilitate the prevention of reoccurrence as well as giving all stakeholders the surety of knowing the specifics of any events that do occur.
Thermal imaging cameras
Campbell Transport recognises the hazard that stray fauna such as cows, kangaroos and camels present on West Australian roads. While we can’t control the animals, we can control how visible they are to our drivers. Our trucks are equipped with FLIR Thermal Imaging cameras, these provide our drivers visibility of any heat producing object that could potentially present a hazard on the road. This increased visibility provides the driver with more time to respond to the hazard and provides the opportunity to conduct better decision making, rather than that split second decision.
With these initiatives combined we significantly reduce the potential for catastrophic incidents caused by fatigue, misconduct and fauna. These measures include regular Road Reports, in which a haulage route is driven, examined and reviewed by the Safety Team—who then published a detailed report which is then submitted to Main Roads WA. These reports have led to significant repairs and maintenance being conducted to major arterial roads such as the Great Northern Highway, Geraldton—Mt Magnet Road and the Coolgardie—Esperance Highway ultimately benefitting the wellbeing of all West Australian drivers.